Madhyamgram to Digha bus timetable and Ticket Price | ?????????? ???? ???? ????? ???????? ??? ??????? ????? |
Private Bus (4 Buses)
Departure Time From Madhyamgram :- 12:50 am
Arrival Time In Digha :- 05:55 am
Duration Time :- 05:05 hours
Ticket Price :- ₹ 400
Online Ticket Booking Link :-
Departure Time From Madhyamgram :- 01:10 am
Arrival Time In Digha :- 07:00 am
Duration Time :- 05:50 hours
Ticket Price :- ₹ 450
Online Ticket Booking Link :-
Departure Time From Madhyamgram :- 05:50 am
Arrival Time In Old Digha Bus stand :- 11:35 am
Duration Time :- 05:45 hours
Ticket Price :- ₹ 399
Online Ticket Booking Link :-
Departure Time From Madhyamgram :- 05:50 am
Arrival Time In Old Digha Petrol Pump :- 10:20 am
Duration Time :- 04:30 hours
Ticket Price :- ₹ 420
Online Ticket Booking Link :-
Digha, a tranquil coastal retreat in West Bengal, welcomes visitors with its pristine beaches and soothing ambiance. The Digha Bus Time Table serves as an indispensable tool, delineating the departure and arrival schedules of buses connecting Digha to diverse destinations. This user-friendly guide facilitates seamless travel planning for both locals and tourists, ensuring efficient exploration of the town and its neighboring areas. Whether opting for standard or deluxe buses, the Digha Bus Time Table offers convenience and accessibility, catering to a range of preferences. As an essential resource, it simplifies the journey for those eager to experience the coastal beauty of Digha, enhancing the overall travel experience with clarity and ease.

Important Disclaimer : is a private website and has no connection or affiliation with any official bus services, transportation authorities, or government agencies. All bus timing data and related information provided on this website are for informational purposes only and are intended for personal, non-commercial use. We do not claim 100% accuracy of the dynamic and frequently changing bus schedules. Users are advised to verify the information from official sources or directly with the bus service providers before making any travel plans or decisions based on the content of this website.